News, Page 3
December 3, 2020
Research lab celebrates by adding new continuous purification technology
Continuous chromatography technology or GMP scale added to major reseach facility duplicating capablity in USA. Patented MCSGP process significantly increase yield of oligo and peptide production. Learn More.
November 23, 2020
Thoughts for Thanksgiving
For many, the year 2020 has been a tough one. This Thanksgiving, we thought we would put products aside for a few seconds. The tradition of the Thanksgiving Season is that everyone should pause to take a moment to be
October 28, 2020
YMC-Triart Bio Phases are featured in a Q&A with LCGC magazine
As a visitor to our website, you probably already know about YMC-Triart – our family of reversed-phase stationary phases based on a chemically and mechanically stable organic/inorganic hybrid silica.
September 4, 2020
YMC-Triart Prep Bio200 C8 for Peptide Purification
There is a new YMC-Triart phase specifically designed for medium and large-scale purification of peptides. YMC-Triart Prep Bio200 C8 is an extension of the YMC-Triart product line that inherits the fundamental advantages of the YMC-Triart hybrid base particle.
August 18, 2020
Leading CMO purchases multiple GMP scale twin-column units
Continuous chromatography technology now planned for production suites to give CMO a leading edge with new therapies at attractive cost point. Patented MCSGP will significantly increase yield of oligo and peptide production. Learn More.
July 14, 2020
FDA purchases YMC technology
FDA specifies bench top technology for study on continuous chromatography. Learn more.
June 2, 2020
Mid Year Update
Since we are not quite at the midpoint of 2020, let’s take the opportunity to refocus on a few of YMC’s latest whitepapers and app notes.
March 31, 2020
COVID-19 Operations Update
We at YMC America, Inc. hope that our customers and their families remain safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. We also want to inform you that we remain open and operational due to the critical role many of our
March 6, 2020
REVISED: YMC America Symposium and Trade Show Schedule for 2020
In February, we published our event schedule for 2020. Since that time, several events have been postponed or canceled. The revised list below will help you keep tabs on these events. Always remember, if you have a challenging application or
January 31, 2020
What Could Be Better Than Chicago in Early March?
Pittcon is just around the corner – March 1-5, 2020. This year, Pittcon is in Chicago, so our advice to Pittcon attendees is to stay indoors and take in the Technical Program. While you’re there, visit YMC in booth 3113.
December 4, 2019
Your Source for Glass Columns
As users of glass columns will tell you, a glass column is more than just a glass tube with fittings. Successful use of glass columns also requires versatile provisions for connecting glass sections, adjustable plungers, column jackets for heating and/or
November 8, 2019
See YMC At These Upcoming Events
As 2019 draws to a close, YMC will be participating in two conferences/exhibitions. If you are planning on attending either of these events, we hope you will stop by and say “Hello.”