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Brief Design features of new HPLC enabled with MCSGP technology

HPLC enabled with MCSGP (Multi-column Counter-current Solvent Gradient Purification) technology has the unique ability to not only achieve difficult separations but is a continuous process that delivers up to 60% more yield at target purity and operates with up to 10-fold higher productivity than batch. Solvent savings approach 70% in many cases.
This 10 minute seminar gives the viewer a close look at design features of these new GMP scale systems. It is recommended that attendees also view the (30 minute) webinar titled :”Process & economics for continuous purification by MCSGP enabled HPLC ” which details how MCSGP works. The video will spend time on the P&ID and call out some unique design features that differentiate this from a batch HPLC (software, fast acting valves and multi-column functionality).

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